Ransom, Conway The Machine e V Don pubblicano “Chaos Is My Ladder 2”

“Higher Killer”, brano realizzato col featuring di Lloyd Banks, è il primo estratto video da “Chaos Is My Ladder 2”, progetto collaborativo firmato da Ransom e Conway The Machine su beat di V Don. Il vol. 1, risalente a un paio d’anni fa, rinsaldava il legame tra primo e terzo, cui oggi appunto si unisce il secondo, incrementando notevolmente il tasso di brutalità proposto. When V Don and I – racconta Ransom – were recording “Chaos Is My Ladder”, we planned on making a series of releases. It wasn’t until we started recording “CIML2”, that we came up with the concept of bringing in a guest collaborator for each volume in the series. Conway was the first and only choice for “CIML2”. I know our fans will agree, it’s rarified air to get a project by two of the top lyricists in the game.
