Moro: From what do u pick inspiration for your productions and your lyrics?
Necro: I get inspired by vagina, bitches, whores, I like girls to suck my dick while I sleep, I wake up with muff on me, on my face, like a pussy pillow.

M: Some people say your lyrics are too much violent, and also your do u answer to this critics? Do you talk to gays???
N: I don't either.

M: Your productions are very changed from some years ago, for example from the time of "I Need Drugs". U have approached metal and death metal. Where do u think to go now?
N: I go anywhere I want cuz it's a free country, I like experimenting with new music, no boundaries, I got a track I did with Waylin Jennings coming out soon.

M: Speaking of "I Need Drugs", the video of this song is the most gory I ever seen! How do u decided to be so explicit? Exceedingly on a very soft LL Cool J's production?
N: It's not gory, but more sick mentally, I don't give a fuck, nobody cares about me, so why would I give a shit about anybody on earth??? I love my fans, my fans show me more than love than some of my real family.

M: In the last year u issue a lot of albums. Do u thing to go on this rate, or u have some new projects...
N: I'd rather live in the projects to be honest, releasing albums is like drinking soy milk, it's good for you, it taste good, and it's healthy for my wallet.

M: Beyond pussy, Hip-Hop and gore movies, which are your other loves?
N: Money, I want billions.

M: Which artists influenced u and made u approached Hip-Hop world? Who do u like now?
N: I don't like anyone now except my shit, but I was influenced by a lot of rappers, Rakim, KRS, Kane, G-Rap...

M: Do u know somebody of italian Hip-Hop?
N: Not really.

M: Some years ago Non Phixion went to Italy for a concert at Palladium (in Vicenza). Do u think that u and your crew will return in Italy for some concerts? Do u like Italy? I secure u that here u have a lot of fans...
N: I love Italy, it's a shame I don't have any distribution there, there was one company but the guy that runs it is a fucking faggot who would never take my shit, what is that faggots name? I forgot, but he never take my shit, anyway i will come to Italy, Mr Hyde is italian and he is my best friend basically so u know how jews and ginnys get along.

M: In Psycho+Logical u are all white people, also in other labels of underground Hip-Hop (for example Anticon, Def Jux, ecc...), there are a lot of white people. Do u think underground Hip-Hop is made by the white people and mainstream by the black people? What about this antagonising between underground and mainstream?
N: I don't know, mainstreem Hip-Hop is racist, they don't wanna see anyone white get on, so fuck them and their dirty mothers what ever color they r, cuz its a mixture of all colors.

M: In some your songs u put a lot of shit on Michael Jackson. But also u use his songs. Do u hate him like man, bat u love him like musician?
N: I hate to love him and love to hate him, but Mike is a legend, he gets shitted on for being himself, he is a white black guy, I mean come on man, u can't do what he did to himself, the acid he must have taken, and expect not get shitted on, he fucks kids man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You respect that???

M: If u'll have a choice between selling 1.000.000 copies of your new album or filming a sequence (like good movie's lover u are!!!) like the beginning of Orson Welles' "Touch Of Evil", what do u choose?
N: Fuck Orson Welles, give me orville redenbocker popcorn, is this the stupidest fucking question ever????? U take the cake man, I think I would sell you to the white slave market for a million sales, of course a million sales over a scene, fuck a scene in a movie, it could be "Citizen Kane" for all I care, give me my money.

M: Do u surfed in Do u like it?
N: Some advice for's the best ever thank you my friend, now I go order a sicilian slice in honor of you...

...add this to the interview, that fucking faggot from goodfellas, he wouldnt take my shit, forgot his name but he is a fucking hater, they carry all my competition, the owner of that company is a pussy, print this! Yeah if u can distribute or connect me with someone that would be good and as far as ya question, leave it, I like the result it was funny.