Heem pubblica “From The Cradle To The Game”

Annunciato nei giorni scorsi, esce oggi “From The Cradle To The Game”, nuovo album di Heem (Buffalo) fuori per Black Soprano Family. Il progetto, che conferma il passo deciso della crew, vanta le collaborazioni di Benny The Butcher, Conway The Machine, Stove God Cooks, Styles P, Jansport J, Dj Green Lantern e la stessa Family. My life is music – racconta l’mc. There’s so much truth. I’ve gone through a lot and the title of my album is named after these real-life experiences. I came up a good child, went over the line and jumped into the game. I went from the street game to the Rap game. I’m a little more seasoned and this is ready to go. Now, it’s all over. L’uscita viene accompagnata dal video di “Mob Business”. Tra l’altro, Heem sarà di supporto al tour europeo di Benny The Butcher, pertanto… Ci vediamo a Bologna!


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